martyconnelly at
Sun Jul 25 13:30:48 CDT 2004
hmm.. I never thought of attaching form code to a newsgroup message this way. It would show the design quite easily However you might find this useful as it uses same method. Here is the method to dump everything in an mdb to text files in temp directory via saveastext--loadfromtext method into a new mdb and then compile it. Code is very busy and concise.. I borrowed it from an Lyle Fairfield, access newsgroup posting a long time ago. I have never seen GetObject used this way to startup a second version of Access. He was in charge of Dallas Fort Worth PC or Access UserGroup at one time. Maybe Drew has come across him. If you remove the kill txt statement, all your code will be available from the temporary text files in temp directory. This code is useful to try and recover clobbered or corrupted mdb files, if you can open the mdb. '=================================== 'code provided by Lyle Fairfield Sub BackUpThisTextFiles() Dim a(1 To 5) As String Dim bck As String Dim con As Container Dim doc As Document Dim objAccess As Access.Application Dim Ref As Reference Dim txt As String Dim zip As String Dim z As Long a(1) = "Tables" a(2) = "Forms" a(3) = "Reports" a(4) = "Scripts" a(5) = "Modules" bck = DBEngine(0)(0).Name bck = Left(bck, Len(bck) - 4) & "_BackUp.mdb" Do While Forms.Count > 0 DoCmd.Close acForm, Forms(0).Name Loop Do While Reports.Count > 0 DoCmd.Close acReport, Reports(0).Name Loop Do txt = Environ("temp") & "\" & CStr(Fix(Timer)) & ".txt" Loop Until Len(Dir$(txt)) = 0 SaveAsText 6, "", bck Set objAccess = GetObject(bck) On Error Resume Next With objAccess For Each Ref In .References .References.Remove Ref Next Ref End With For Each Ref In References With Ref If Not .BuiltIn Then objAccess.References.AddFromFile Ref.FullPath End With Next Ref Set Ref = Nothing For z = 1 To 5 Set con = DBEngine(0)(0).Containers(a(z)) With con For Each doc In .Documents With doc On Error Resume Next SaveAsText z, .Name, txt objAccess.Application.LoadFromText z, .Name, txt On Error GoTo 0 End With Next doc End With Next z Kill txt Set doc = Nothing Set con = Nothing With objAccess .DoCmd.OpenModule _ (.DBEngine(0)(0).Containers("Modules").Documents(0).Name) .DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules .Application.Quit End With Set objAccess = Nothing Shell SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessDir) & "MsAccess.Exe " & _ """" & bck & """" & "/compact" On Error Resume Next zip = bck FileName zip zip = "d:\" & Format(Now(), "yyyymmddhhnnss") & zip FileCopy bck, zip MsgBox "All Done Creating " & bck End Sub '=================================== Private Sub FileName(ByRef sIn As String) Dim pos As Long Dim posForwardSlash As Long pos = InStr(sIn, "\") posForwardSlash = InStr(sIn, "/") If pos = 0 Then pos = posForwardSlash If pos Then sIn = Mid(sIn, pos + 1) FileName sIn End If End Sub '=================================== Gustav Brock wrote: >Hi Marty > > > >>you can try to use the undocumented SaveAsText and LoadFromText, may >>help if an object is corrupted or otherwise behaving weirdly. >>At the debug/immediate window type: >>Application.SaveAsText acForm,"MyForm","c:\form.txt >>or depending on Access version >>SaveAsText acForm,"MyForm","c:\form.txt >>You can then load the file into a new MDB. >>Application.LoadFromText acForm,"MyForm","c:\from.txt" >> >> > >This is very handy! Thanks for that tip. >This way you can easily include a small form and other objects in a >message like this without attachments. > >Have you more small gems like this? > >/gustav > > > -- Marty Connelly Victoria, B.C. Canada