[AccessD] Create a Search

Pickering, Stephen Stephen.Pickering at caremark.com
Thu Jul 29 08:09:33 CDT 2004


Have a look at Duane Hookom's DH Query by Form sample database.  It can be
found at (watch for wrapping):


Click on Duane Hookom's name (or scroll down) and click on the link for
"DH Query By Form".  It sounds like it might serve your needs.



-----Virginia Hollis' Original Message-----

Does anyone have an example of creating a report by selecting search
criteria from fields? I had a request today to add a custom report builder
to one of my databases.


Some of the fields will be text where they can enter what they need and
other criteria will be from a combobox, they also want a date range field.
Then! they want to be able to save the criteria for later use.


For example - Document number - text box, Document type will be a
I want to know all the documents created during a certain month, quarter,
year, etc.).


I have tried something like this several times, but when it comes to
more than one search criteria, I can never seem to make it work - then
adding a date on top of that - well, I am lost.




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