HollisVJ at pgdp.usec.com
Fri Jun 11 06:19:07 CDT 2004
I have been using the below code to count the number of hits on a form. I installed A2003 yesterday & receive an error on RS.Edit. In A2K I added a reference to DAO 3.6 & the code would work. But in 2003 this is not listed in the references. What can I change the code to so it will work correctly? Virginia ******************** Public Function CountThisForm(frm As Form) As Boolean Dim db As Database Dim RS As Recordset Dim SQL As String Set db = CurrentDb SQL = "Select * FROM tblCounter Where FormName = """ & frm.Name & """;" Set RS = db.OpenRecordset(SQL, dbOpenDynaset) If RS.RecordCount > 0 Then RS.Edit RS!HitCount = RS!HitCount + 1 RS.Update Else RS.AddNew RS!FormName = frm.Name RS!HitCount = 1 End If RS.Close Set RS = Nothing End Function