[AccessD] Report to PDF using CutePDF

Lavsa, Rich Rich_Lavsa at pghcorning.com
Fri Jun 11 11:07:23 CDT 2004

Hello all,

Environment is Access 2002 (XP), Windows 2000 and Windows XP Pro mixed

I was wondering if anyone out there has any tips or tricks on how to
automate the creation of a report into a PDF document using CutePDF.  We
also have PDF-XCHANGE but we do not have the SDK version.  
I've seen code to use PDFWriter from Adobe, however I don't have that

I downloaded CutePDF and GostScript, which works great as a printer to
convert any document to PDF via a printer and is totally free without
watermarks or ads.  I would like to use this as part of an email
distribution of reports.  I know this has been talked about on the lists but
has there been any solutions that use CutePDF, or does anyone out there know
the workings behind CutePDF that they could share where I could either alter
some registry changes or ini file to automate the creation of a PDF and then
simply pick it up and send it via an email.

Thanks in advance,

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