[AccessD] OT: Excel Question

Mark A Matte markamatte at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 14 15:35:16 CDT 2004

Hello All,

I apologize for the OT...but I didn't know who else to ask.  In Excel97...in 
a pivot table...when you click on a cell in the table it highlights all rows 
with that same value...for example...if you had 3 unit numbers...and 4 case 
types...and built the Pivot to count all case types for each unit...then on 
the pivot click on 1 case type...all rows for that case type in the pivot 
would be highlighted.

In Excel2K...this doesn't happen...only the cell you click on is 
selected...is this a setting somewhere...or is this just a functionality 
that was lost in the upgrade?



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