[AccessD] OT: The Great Primary Debate

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Tue Jun 1 13:52:45 CDT 2004

Hi Martin

One way to explain it to illustrate the consequences ... an accounting
app I examined the other day is often forced to use five-field compound
indexes due to the lack of a single key; it's awful.


> I was taking day one of a 4 day Programming SQL Server 2000 course today. 8
> Oracle programmers moving to SQL Server, 6 of our Ingres programmers moving
> to SQL Server.

> Came to the section on Table Design. I said use an Identity value for the PK
> on the table - all h%ll brooke loose for the next hour as the great debate
> happened live in person. Pity JC wasnt there to back me up (<: Was split
> between the younger developers who supported the use of the ID column and
> the older developers and DBAs who use natural keys. Almost a 50//50 split on
> age lines maybe reflecting different attitutes to design. Took me about
> 20mins with one of the older guys to explain how the relationship was
> maintained using Idt IDs as opposed to his staff number. He seemed to have
> real problems getting the concept.

> Martin

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