Susan Harkins
ssharkins at
Sun Jun 6 17:52:39 CDT 2004
Stuart -- that is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm glad someone else is seeing the same behavior. I can understand the limitation, I just think it's something that they could clearly offer a workaround for. Susan H. You must have a different MS Access to me then :-) Whenever I do that, the LimitToList is set automagically to Yes. When I try to change it back to No, I get a very clearly explained error message: "Microsoft Access can't set the LimitToList property to No right now. The first visible column which is determined by the ColumnWidths property, isn't equal to the bound column. Adjust the ColumnWidths property first, then set the LimitToList property" AFAIR, it's been the same for every version of Access over the last 10 years up to and including A2K