[AccessD] Another Translation Problem

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Mon Jun 14 00:05:50 CDT 2004

On 14 Jun 2004 at 14:54, Stuart McLachlan wrote:

> In Access 2000, I just created a form with a tab control and two buttons.
> Private Sub Command1_Click()
> TabCtl0.FontName = "Times New Roman"
> End Sub
> Private Sub Command2_Click()
> TabCtl0.FontName = "Arial"
> End Sub
> Clicking the buttons changes the tab names appropriately so the fontname 
> property does affect the page headers.
> I don't have O2002/XP  and unicode fonts, so it may be a problem with Unicode 
> fonts in the later version and the tab control.   

I just installed Airal Uncode MS in O2K and tried it again. Changed the second 
one to: TabCtl0.FontName = "Arial Unicode MS"

It still changed the font properly (Don't know what would have happened if I 
had tried a different language, I've never done any of that sort of thing)

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