martyconnelly at
Tue Jun 29 16:57:47 CDT 2004
Try these changes Option Explicit Private Sub Command0_Click() Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection 'need full definition Dim aField As String Dim sAppsID As String Dim sEntID As String Dim sAttribID As String Dim strSQL As String sAppsID = txtAppsId.Value 'or Me.txtAppsId.value sEntID = txtEntID.Value sAttribID = txtAttribID.Value strSQL = "SELECT Testing.AttribXrefGrpNumber FROM Testing WHERE " & _ "(((Testing.AppsID)=sAppsID) AND ((Testing.EntID)=sEntID ) AND " & _ "((Testing.AttribID)=sAttribID))" 'display SQL string here Debug.Print strSQL Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection Set rs = cn.Execute(strSQL) If rs.BOF And rs.EOF Then 'check if recordset is Empty MsgBox "Record Does not exist" Debug.Print rs.RecordCount Exit Sub Else aField = rs.Fields(0) MsgBox "Record alredy exists. Group # is " & aField End If End Sub Oleg_123 at wrote: >there is an error in my select statement how do i make a field name equal >to whats in a textbox ? > > >Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset >Dim cn As Connection >Dim aBOF >Dim aField >Dim sAppsID >Dim sEntID >Dim sAttribID > >sAppsID = txtAppsId >sEntID = txtEntID >sAttribID = txtAttribID > >Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection > >Set rs = cn.Execute("SELECT Testing.AttribXrefGrpNumber FROM Testing WHERE >(((Testing.AppsID)=sAppsID) AND ((Testing.EntID)=sEntID ) AND >((Testing.AttribID)=sAttribID))") >aBOF = rs.BOF 'check if string is Empty >If aBOF = True Then >MsgBox "Record Does not exist" >Exit Sub >Else >aField = rs.Fields(0) >MsgBox "Record alredy exists. Group # is " & aField > >End If > > >----------------------------------------- >Make Money and Find Love at > > > > > -- Marty Connelly Victoria, B.C. Canada