[AccessD] Combo box question

Bobby Heid bheid at appdevgrp.com
Wed Jun 30 10:40:09 CDT 2004

Hi all,

I have a query that is run during a conversion of a database that appears to
be hanging on this one particular database.

Here's the query:
UPDATE Contract 
	INNER JOIN [Payroll Line Items] 
		ON Contract.[Contract ID] = [Payroll Line Items].[Contract
	SET [Payroll Line Items].PolicyID = [EnforceWCID]
	WHERE [Payroll Line Items].CostType='WC' 
		AND Contract.EnforceWCID<>0;

This query is placed into a string and executed with:
db.execute strSQL,dbfailonerror

There are ~192,000 payroll records and ~3500 contract records.

If I copy the SQL into the query designer and run it, it only takes about 5
seconds or so to execute.  I have let the version in the code run for over
1/2 hour and have to end up killing access.

Anyone have any ideas as to what may be happening?  I am running AXP sp2.
The tables are linked.  This code has ran fine on over 100 other


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