John W. Colby
jwcolby at
Sat Mar 20 21:35:34 CST 2004
BTW it is possible to add controls to a control's control collection. Thus you can "TELL" a control in a continuous form that a label in the form's header belongs to it. I add a function to the class which assigns a label out on the form to that control: ' 'Connects a label to a combo - used for continuous forms where the label is in the header etc. ' Function ConnectLabel(llbl As Label) On Error GoTo Err_ConnectLabel Set mlbl = llbl Exit_ConnectLabel: Exit Function Err_ConnectLabel: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Function dclsCtlTextBox.ConnectLabel" Resume Exit_ConnectLabel Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function Then, strictly for demo purposes I set and reset the label's backcolor in the text boxes OnEnter and OnExit: ' 'These are the event stubs for the control's OnEnter and OnExit events ' Private Sub mtxt_Enter() mlngBackColorOrig = mtxt.BackColor 'When we enter the text box, save the original back color mtxt.BackColor = mclngBackColor 'Set the back color to our favorite color mlbl.BackColor = 16744448 mlbl.BackStyle = 1 End Sub Private Sub mtxt_Exit(Cancel As Integer) mtxt.BackColor = mlngBackColorOrig 'When we exit the control, set the back color back to the original color mlbl.BackStyle = 0 End Sub In the form's Open event, after initializing the framework I call this method and pass in a lable: Public fdclsFrm As dclsFrm Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) Set fdclsFrm = New dclsFrm fdclsFrm.Init Me, Me With fdclsFrm.colClasses .item("txtCode").ConnectLabel lblCode .item("txtName").ConnectLabel lblName End With End Sub To see this functionality open the lfrmState and tab through the two columns. Again, this isn't particularly useful in this instance but it might be a helpful indicator of cursor movement or state of a control and again demonstrates that a disconnected label can be added to a control's control class. John W. Colby