Robert L. Stewart
rl_stewart at
Fri Mar 12 11:01:09 CST 2004
My zip code 77418 covers 4 communities. I live in 1 or the 4. Robert At 08:46 AM 3/12/2004 -0600, you wrote: >Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 08:56:11 -0500 >From: "John Clark" <John.Clark at> >Subject: Re: [AccessD] question on normalization >To: <accessd at> >Message-ID: <s0517b63.067 at> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII > >I have done a program, in the past, using the FMS zip code tables. This >was updated once a month, and it included Canadian, US, and >'territories'. > >I don't want to go that large here, because the residences of the >people in this database will be limited to 12 towns and 3 >cities--roughly 19 zip codes. So I was just wondering if it was OK to >have a single field table, or if I should include the zips with the >towns. The reason I was seperating the zips from the towns was because >some areas have multiple zips--for instance, Niagara Falls has 3 zip >codes, not including a separate one for Niagara University--and I >thought that might cause a problem. > >As a sidebar--sort of--why can't the zip itself be a primary key?