[AccessD] Short Date Input Mask question

Bryan Carbonnell Bryan_Carbonnell at cbc.ca
Thu Mar 18 08:47:51 CST 2004

> whether the user is military trained (euro dating) or public school
> (US dating you hope) or wants to type in the alpha month, I get him

Don't you mean "US public school trained (US dating you hope)"? :)

I would expect that public school trained folks here in Canada to use
d-m-y and not m-d-y :-)

Although I believe I was taught y-m-d, but maybe that was in
University. I don't remeber Getting too senile

Bryan Carbonnell
bryan_carbonnell at cbc.ca

>>> wdhindman at bellsouth.net 17-Mar-04 4:44:47 PM >>>
...yes and no ...convenient but a suck for bad data entry ime ...one
in 6/1/2004 ...one types in 1/6/2004 ...one types in 1 jun 04 and tabs
down the line, etc ...lecture me all day on dumb users but I don't have
option of firing them ...so I pop up a small calendar every time ...if
user enters directly in the text box, the calendar moves to the date
to provide visual feedback ...if he/she selects from the calendar it
the text box ...either way they can mouse it or keyboard it ...so no
whether the user is military trained (euro dating) or public school
(US dating you hope) or wants to type in the alpha month, I get him
somehow so that the right date gets entered ...nothings foolproof but
entry errors have gone to zero ...which is worth the cost of the popup
to me
and my clients.

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