[AccessD] Not enough space on disk.

John Clark John.Clark at niagaracounty.com
Mon Mar 22 12:35:33 CST 2004

Are you running on a network at all? If so, what NOS?
And, if so, are you logged in as yourself, on the other PCs?

>>> ggonzalez at cccis.com 3/22/2004 1:27:01 PM >>>

I have tried rebooting and several of the options in the Microsoft
knowledge base to no avail.


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  |       Subject:  Re: [AccessD] Not enough space on disk.            

try a reboot like suggested by Gary Kjos, additonally what OS is this
running on? win95/98/ME/nt/2k/xp?

ggonzalez at cccis.com wrote:

>I have 3 Gig and 256 of ram

>How much hdd space is available on your C: for the computer that gets
>this error?, how much ram does it have?
>ggonzalez at cccis.com wrote:
>>I am gettin getting this error when I try to open a database on my
>>computer.  I have plenty od disk space available though.  When I go
>>another computer and access the same database I have no problem.
>>Does anybody have any sugestions why this is happening.
>>Thanks, Gumaro


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