[AccessD] Creating Web Pages from Access

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Tue Mar 23 18:11:01 CST 2004

On 23 Mar 2004 at 15:06, Kathryn Bassett wrote:

> Cool!!! I never checked on the export and this will help me with
> results for the AC100 race I do each year. I may have questions after
> I experiment. 
> --

Exporting a report  to HTML  does have problems with column alignement.
What it does is create a single row table for each  row of the report and 
tries to determine the spacing based on the contents of the row.

As a result you get very bloated HTML and a series of tables whose 
columns frequently don't line up.

It's often easier to "roll your own" export routine.

As an example, take a look at the HTML behind


which was created by Exporting a Report to HTML as opposed to


created by writing the HTML  out to a file one record at a time in code

I can send you a copy of the code used for the second one if you are 

Stuart McLachlan
Lexacorp Ltd
Application Development,  IT Consultancy

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