[AccessD] Framework Discussion - set up question

Francisco H Tapia my.lists at verizon.net
Fri Mar 26 01:35:56 CST 2004

DWUTKA at marlow.com said the following on 3/25/2004 1:58 PM:

> Okay, for number one, let's drop that.  It's a pointless argument.  If you
> want to argue that using Lookups adds confusion, then I would REALLY hate to
> see your table designs.  Have you ever tried to explain a many to many table
> to a 'user'?  Trust me, they'll pick up what a 'lookup' field does a LOT
> faster.  And if you aren't using things like many to many tables, because
> users could get confused, then you are not normalizing your data.  See how
> this is a BAD argument to try to defend against?

I'll ask this because you brought it up, but how is my comment any 
indication of any lack of normalization on my database design?  I'll 
tell you... it has NO BEARING on my database design.  I don't care when 
a user is confused about database design.  I don't explain to my users 
about lookup tables, that's not my job.  I also don't try to explain 
Boyce-Codd 3rd Normal form.  These are very dry and pointless topics to 
bring up w/ your users...

I also don't particularly approve of allowing end users to write their 
own ad-hoc queries for that matter.. this is because they can join 
something so badly that it causes unnecessary page locks and system 
performance overall.  If you do, then to each their own.  Where I'm 
working at now, it has been now long accepted that certain users will 
write their own queries... that has all stopped w/ our recent upgrade to 
SqlServer2000.  I've blocked all direct access to tables and many views. 
  all they are allowed to do is run sprocs (Stored Procedures).  So 
what? why should I expalin the concept of a temporary table to my end 
users? or how to use a server sided cursor? hmm?  I don't care what 
confuses them about database design.  It would be diffrent if they were 
underlings and I had to make sure they were up to speed so they could 
take over the project... they are not.. they are users of my and my 
co-worker's database system.  That's not to say I don't appreciate or 
even give out helpful tips for those that are learing.. but I won't have 
them break down a system I'm responsible for.

Lastly... I DO work on a plethora of databases.. and on occasion I do 
take in contract work (tho not lately).  Adding Lookup tables adds a 
level of non-sense imnsho.  Sure they're great if I only worked on a 
handful of db's.  And it's not like I can't figure out what the previous 
developer did...

you see... there is a bit of un-needed confusion....

> Now for number 2.  You can't hack a feature with a 'feature creep' agrument.
> Feature creep can affect anything in a bad way, however, if you are getting
> paid by the hour, or are doing contract work, Feature creep means more
> money! LOL

well to each their own I guess :|


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