[AccessD] OT: A survey from somebody not as well-connected as JC

Kath Pelletti SDSSoftware at optusnet.com.au
Tue Mar 30 15:49:46 CST 2004

So true - I think being a salesperson is either in the blood or not...and I don't seem to have that gene either......on the other hand if you know that what you are selling is *great* then maybe.....

The other thing is the cost of stuff online. I recently developed a system for my husband's wholesale travel business - to produce quotations p/passenger and all that stuff - took ages as it is customised. Try selling that online - there are systems there being offered for $US300 - I wouldn't be willing to support anything for that money.

(By the way - Drew - put me down as a sayer).

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Andy Lacey 
  To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 5:17 AM
  Subject: RE: [AccessD] OT: A survey from somebody not as well-connected as JC

  I envy Rocky (sort of) but won't be trying to emulate him. Been there, tried
  that, and failed. Problem with the product thing is that you have to
  metamorphose from developer into marketer, and I couldn't. Not my thing at
  all. Plus IME it involves sinking money into advertising, mailing,
  brochures, websites nd so on. You have to be prepared to risk big outlay
  against no guarantee of return. Done that 2 or 3 times to great cost and no
  great return. Won't be doing it again.

  -- Andy Lacey

  > -----Original Message-----
  > From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com 
  > [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of 
  > Steven W. Erbach
  > Sent: 30 March 2004 04:16
  > To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
  > Subject: Re: [AccessD] OT: A survey from somebody not as 
  > well-connected as JC
  > William,
  > >> ...don't take this the wrong way <<
  > I won't. I appreciate your point of view. I have gotten 
  > caught up in the tools as if owning the right brand of socket 
  > wrench will guarantee me a living.
  > But I hear you on the client-centered approach. I've worked 
  > on lots of things that were outside of my skill-set comfort zone.
  > I talked with a friend recently about my business and he 
  > asked if there was anything I specialized in. I told him no; 
  > my business is producing custom solutions to solve customer 
  > problems. He recommended a product-centered approach, like 
  > what Rocky is aiming for. I have a long-term care facility 
  > marketing and donations program I wrote that might fill the 
  > bill. We'll see.
  > >> ...but I'm just me and don't have any intention of ever 
  > working hard 
  > >> again <<
  > Not really an option for me as we're having some tough times 
  > financially. I can dig the varietal nature of your work, 
  > though. Thanks.
  > Regards,
  > Steve Erbach
  > Scientific Marketing
  > Neenah, WI
  > "You must be an intellectual. No normal person would say a 
  > thing like that." - George Orwell
  > -- 
  > _______________________________________________
  > AccessD mailing list
  > AccessD at databaseadvisors.com 
  > http://databaseadvisors.com/mailman/listinfo/a> ccessd
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