[AccessD] Re: AccessD Digest, Vol 15, Issue 13

connie.kamrowski at agric.nsw.gov.au connie.kamrowski at agric.nsw.gov.au
Thu May 6 21:48:17 CDT 2004


There are a few reports which use these sub reports but the reports all
need this IF. There can be as many as 60 items in the sub reports but each
sub report is only shown based on the answer.The first sub report lists the
conditions of approval for the authority, so it is only needed if status is
approved. The second sub lists grounds for refusal.They are needed only
once in each report.I hope that is what you were asking


If there a subreport for each record or group? Or this a one-time choice?

Susan H.

I am writing a form letter via a report, (mail merge did not work for this
one). I need to suppress or show two sub reports on this report depending
the value of a field.

There is a field on the Report named Status which is either refused or
approved. If it is approved I need to show Appsubrep and if it is refused
Groundsrefrep. As they both contain text as well as Data just placing them
on top of one another and letting the one with data show won't work in this

Should I do this in the Onload of the form using a conditional IF on the
visible property of the sub reports? Does anyone have a better/more
appropriate solution?

All help greatly appreciated.

Connie Kamrowski

Information Technology
NSW Agriculture

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