[AccessD] Referential Integrity -- Fact or Fiction? --- LooksLike a FACT!

Susan Harkins ssharkins at bellsouth.net
Fri May 14 13:45:07 CDT 2004

Sounds like a missing foreign key in a query to me. 

Susan H. 


Thanks!  I'll bet that's it.  So now I know for sure that they CAN get in
there and it's not an Access issue.  THAT being the case, now I have to
figure out how these orphans are getting in there...because it doesn't
happen consistantly...just when some certain event occurs (that they've not
been able to pin down) that is out of the ordinary.  Out of 400,000+ records
entered, I have 55 blanks.  Statistically not bad, but it sometimes
unbalances their books.  And THAT is bad...particularly when the County
Recorder calls me and asks WHY.

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