[AccessD] Highlight field beingeditedinacontinuousform-in9simplesteps. - maybe too simple?

Ken Ismert KIsmert at TexasSystems.com
Thu May 20 18:23:03 CDT 2004

I love it!!! Simple, no code, works in A2K. Great color flexibility.

Another method for highlighting the current field in A2K and later:

Select your form controls. Select Format, Conditional Formatting... in the
Condition 1 dropdown, select Field Has Focus, then set your background and
font style.

This method works in datasheet style forms, too. Sadly, checkboxes can't
have conditional formatting.


-----Original Message-----
From: MarkH [mailto:lists at theopg.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:32 PM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: RE: [AccessD] Highlight field
beingeditedinacontinuousform-in9simplesteps. - maybe too simple?

No worries :@) That's what I thought initially. I did a simple form and
tried it out. Only the field in the current row that has the focus
changes colour. I don't recall if this is how previous versions of
Access behaved, but I do remember several years ago coming across the
same problem and, if I remember correctly, a similar solution to the one
mentioned earlier (the 9 steps bit). Only the control with the focus
changes colour, not all of the ones in the same row or column...

PS - my memories clearing a bit... The problem I came across before was
how to make alternate rows in a continuous form different colours. The
solution looked similar, no idea where I saw it though.

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