[AccessD] On DB Bloat, Bad DB Design, and various

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Mon May 24 20:23:05 CDT 2004

On 24 May 2004 at 20:59, John W. Colby wrote:

> Just today I had to go in and remove a mask that the client requested.  When
> I designed the db the client swore up and down that they would NEVER have
> claimants residing outside the US.  They did NOT want a country field, they
> wanted a US state table etc.  I explained the obvious and gave them what
> they asked for.  Today I removed the zip code mask so that a Canadian zip
> could be entered.  The 2nd line of the address is being used for the city
> and country.

Was it only in October last year that someone said::

"LOL.  Not true, I am a HUGE fan of internationalization... where it 
makes sense.

I don't suppose I've ever mentioned that I, PERSONALLY, have never 
needed it?"


Lexacorp Ltd
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