[AccessD] Paging Recordsets

Jim Lawrence (AccessD) accessd at shaw.ca
Fri May 28 15:49:21 CDT 2004

Hi Paul:

To step through a group of records so many at a time try something like

Public Function GetRecords(optional intCount as Integer = 0, _
				   optional lngPos as long = 0, _
				   optional intDirection as integer = 1) as ADOB.Recordset
 Static lngPosition as long
 Static intNumberofRecords as integer
 Dim strSQL as String

 'You can also just close the caller recordset as the result is a clone and
 'closing one closes the other.
 If Not GetRecords Is Nothing Then GetRecords.Close: Set GetRecords =

 if intCount <> 0 then intNumberofRecords = intCount
 if lngPos <> 0 then lngPosition = lngPos

 ' intDirection = 1 or intDirection -1
 intDirection = intDirection Mod 2
 if intDirection = 0 then intDirection = 1

 lngPosition + (lngPosition * intDirection)
 if lngPosition < 0 then lngPostion = 1

 strSQL = "SELECT top " & str(intNumberofRecords) & _
	    " * FROM  MyTable where ID >= " & str(lngPosition)

 Set GetRecords = New ADODB.Recordset
 With GetRecords
   .ActiveConnection = MyActiveConnection
   .Source = strSQL
   .CursorLocation = adUseClient
   .Open , , adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
 End With

End Function

Then to call the function like:

intNumberofRecordstoRetrieve = 25 'Records for display
lngWheretoStartIntheFile = 5000 'Start at this position
intReadDirection = 1 'Forward

'To initialize
set rsMyRecordset = GetRecords(intNumberofRecordstoRetrieve,_

'To continue
set rsMyRecordset = GetRecords().Clone

With rsMyRecordset
  If .BOF = False Or .EOF = False Then .MoveLast:.MoveFirst
End With


My apologies but I just wrote this code from memory as there is limited
error checking, testing functionality or typos, a complete set of defined
variables. The concept is right but I could not find my original code...but
it should be close. In the code it assumes your primary key is name 'ID'. It
only brings back as many records as you request and starts at any position
in the table(s)


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of
paul.hartland at fsmail.net
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 2:31 AM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: Re: [AccessD] Paging Recordsets

Stumped on this one the only way I can think of doing something similar is
create a temporary table, write the result set into the temporary table and
have an additional counter field 1 to ??? then with an access query have
something like
SELECT * FROM tblTemp WHERE tblTempCounterField>=1 And

then change the query to
SELECT * FROM tblTemp WHERE tblTempCounterField>=101 And

etc etc as the user presses the next or previous page button.
Paul Hartland
PS if you come across a better solution I would like to know how to do it
for future reference.

Message date : May 26 2004, 07:33 PM
>From : "Martin Reid"
To : "Access Developers discussion and problem solving"
Copy to :
Subject : Re: [AccessD] Paging Recordsets
I know. I want to to the same thing with data from SQL Server in Access.


----- Original Message -----
From: "MartyConnelly"
To: "Access Developers discussion and problem solving"

Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Paging Recordsets

> Paging is quite commonly done on ASP websites
> You just set or use three properties of the ADO recordset
> ' Create recordset and set the page size (no of records per page)
> Set objPagingRS = New ADODB.Recordset
> objPagingRS.PageSize = iPageSize
> ' Get the count of the pages using the given page size
> iPageCount = objPagingRS.PageCount
> ' Move to the selected page number
> objPagingRS.AbsolutePage = iPageCurrent
> Here is some quickly cobbled sample code stolen from
> Search on "paging" as there several methods available including placing
> in an array
> There are probably articles floating around as to best method for
> performance
> Sub AdoPaging()
> 'stolen from
> http://www.asp101.com/samples/viewasp.asp?file=db%5Fpaging%2Easp
> Dim CONN_STRING As String
> Dim CONN_USER As String
> Dim CONN_PASS As String
> CONN_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
> "Data Source=C:\Program Files\Microsoft
> Office\Office\Samples\Northwind.mdb;" & _
> "User Id=admin;" & "Password="
> ' Our SQL code - overriding values we just set
> ' Comment out to use Access
> 'CONN_STRING = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=;" _
> ' & "Initial Catalog=samples;Connect Timeout=15;" _
> ' & "Network Library=dbmssocn;"
> 'CONN_USER = "samples"
> 'CONN_PASS = "password"
> ' Declare our vars
> Dim iPageSize As Long 'How big our pages are
> Dim iPageCount As Long 'The number of pages we get back
> Dim iPageCurrent As Long 'The page we want to show
> Dim strOrderBy As String 'A fake parameter used to illustrate
> passing them
> Dim strSQL As String 'SQL command to execute
> Dim iRecordsShown As Long 'Loop controller for displaying just
> iPageSize records
> Dim I As Long 'Standard looping var
> Dim objPagingConn As ADODB.Connection
> Dim objPagingRS As ADODB.Recordset
> ' Get parameters
> ' set number of records per page
> iPageSize = 10 ' You could easily allow users to change this
> ' Set page to show or default to 1
> iPageCurrent = 2
> ' If you're doing this script with a search or something
> ' you'll need to pass the sql from page to page. I'm just
> ' paging through the entire table so I just hard coded it.
> ' What you show is irrelevant to the point of the sample.
> 'strSQL = "SELECT * FROM sample ORDER BY id;"
> strOrderBy = "'Customer ID'"
> 'strOrderBy = "last_name,first_name,sales"
> ' Build our SQL String using the parameters we just got.
> strSQL = "SELECT * FROM customers ORDER BY " & strOrderBy & ";"
> Debug.Print strSQL
> ' Now we finally get to the DB work...
> ' Create and open our connection
> Set objPagingConn = New ADODB.Connection
> objPagingConn.Open CONN_STRING
> ' Create recordset and set the page size
> Set objPagingRS = New ADODB.Recordset
> objPagingRS.PageSize = iPageSize
> ' You can change other settings as with any RS
> 'objPagingRS.CursorLocation = adUseClient
> objPagingRS.CacheSize = iPageSize
> ' Open RS
> objPagingRS.Open strSQL, objPagingConn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly,
> adCmdText
> ' Get the count of the pages using the given page size
> iPageCount = objPagingRS.PageCount
> ' If the request page falls outside the acceptable range,
> ' give them the closest match (1 or max)
> If iPageCurrent > iPageCount Then iPageCurrent = iPageCount
> If iPageCurrent < 1 Then iPageCurrent = 1
> ' Check page count to prevent bombing when zero results are returned!
> If iPageCount = 0 Then
> Debug.Print "No records found!"
> Else
> ' Move to the selected page
> objPagingRS.AbsolutePage = iPageCurrent
> ' Start output with a page x of n line
> ' Show field names in the top row
> Dim strtitles As String
> strtitles = ""
> For I = 0 To objPagingRS.Fields.Count - 1
> strtitles = strtitles & objPagingRS.Fields(I).Name & " "
> Next 'I
> Debug.Print strtitles & vbCrLf
> ' Loop through our records and ouput 1 row per record
> iRecordsShown = 0
> Dim strFields As String
> strFields = ""
> Do While iRecordsShown < iPageSize And Not objPagingRS.EOF
> For I = 0 To objPagingRS.Fields.Count - 1
> strFields = strFields & objPagingRS.Fields(I) & ","
> Next 'I
> Debug.Print strFields & vbCrLf
> 'clear strfields shown
> strFields = ""
> ' Increment the number of records we've shown
> iRecordsShown = iRecordsShown + 1
> ' Can't forget to move to the next record!
> objPagingRS.MoveNext
> Loop
> ' All done - close table
> End If
> ' Close DB objects and free variables
> objPagingRS.Close
> Set objPagingRS = Nothing
> objPagingConn.Close
> Set objPagingConn = Nothing
> End Sub
> Martin Reid wrote:
> >Anyone every done any work on paging large recordsets in Access. I want
> >look at the possibility of breaking up massive recordsets returned from
> >Server in page sets of say 100 records. Rather than pull them all at the
> >start I want the user to be able to select Page 1, Page etc etc then move
> >freely between pages.
> >
> >Only 100 records (or less) would be taken of the server at one time.
> >
> >I cannot use filters at the client end. All records MUST be available?
> >
> >MArtin
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Marty Connelly
> Victoria, B.C.
> Canada
> --
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