[AccessD] A2003:Test Voracity of URLS

Darren DICK d.dick at uws.edu.au
Tue Nov 16 22:03:08 CST 2004

Hello all
I have an educational client who has a CD full of Education URL's (Zillion's
of 'em)
Occasionally someone has to test to see if the links are broken or not
(Manually <yuk>)
I thought this would be a perfect application for Access
Set up a table of URLs and loop through 'em and return TRUE or FALSE
So...Is there a way I can type in say...http://somewebsite.someserver.com.au
and return "true" if the site exists or "false" if the site does not exist.
I know I can ping http://somewebsite.someserver.com.au
<http://somewebsite.someserver.com.au/>  and get a result
but how would I capture the ping 'reply' from DOS to a table?
Or...if any of you already have a method they would like to share them
please let me know
Make sense??
See ya 

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