Mcgillivray, Donald [ITS]
donald.a.Mcgillivray at
Thu Nov 18 11:11:37 CST 2004
Hi, All I have a table of data, populated by an automated mail insertion system, containing the following fields: JobID MachineID OperatorID PieceID InsertTime (Date + Time) The system writes a record for each piece that is inserted by the system. Typically, there will be a single operator working a job on a machine, but on larger jobs an operator's shift may be interrupted by another operator (relief during breaks, technicians making adjustments, repairs, etc.) When these interruptions occur, the interrupter logs in and any work processed during the interruption is logged under the interrupter's ID. Then when the original operator returns, s/he logs in and subsequent work is logged under that ID. A summary query grouped on JobID, MachineID, and OperatorID, with count of PieceID and min and max of InsertTime gives me a single record for each operator showing piece count and start and end time. However, the delta between the min and max times does not reflect the actual elapsed time for each, since the original operator's min and max times encompass the period when the interrupter was logged in as well. I know I could loop thru the records incrementing counters and write a record to a table when a change in operator is detected, but my preference is to capture elapsed run time for each operator using a single query. Anybody know if/how I can return more than one record for a member of a group in a summary query? Don McGillivray Sprint Mailing Services