[AccessD] Report Orientation Changing on Terminal Server

Lawrence Mrazek lmrazek at lcm-res.com
Tue Nov 2 08:16:40 CST 2004


I have an app that is accessed via Terminal Server (Access XP Frontend,
Runtime), and have found that it is changing all of my reports to Portrait
from Landscape. Is there a workaround for this? I've tried to add the
following code to report's "report_open" property:

Me.Printer.Orientation = acPRORLandscape

But this code only works when you open the report, close the report, then

Has anyone else experienced this? Any hints?

Larry Mrazek
LCM Research, Inc.
lmrazek at lcm-res.com
ph. 314-432-5886
fx. 314-432-3304

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