[AccessD] A2003:Test Voracity of URLS

Darren DICK d.dick at uws.edu.au
Wed Nov 17 20:31:17 CST 2004

Thanks for the reply Stuart
I dunno what they are
They are just a gazillion URL type links
I just saw them written on a page and was told each one was being 'viewed'
I thought there must be an easier way

Some Egs are

Also a lot of them have .index.html and readset1.htm etc
At the end of the URL

Many thanks


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Stuart McLachlan
Sent: Wednesday, 17 November 2004 5:05 PM
To: Access Developers discussion and problemsolving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] A2003:Test Voracity of URLS

On 17 Nov 2004 at 15:03, Darren DICK wrote:

> So...Is there a way I can type in 
> say...http://somewebsite.someserver.com.au
> and return "true" if the site exists or "false" if the site does not
> I know I can ping http://somewebsite.someserver.com.au
> <http://somewebsite.someserver.com.au/>  and get a result but how 
> would I capture the ping 'reply' from DOS to a table?
> Or...if any of you already have a method they would like to share them 
> please let me know

Are they all domains or are some of them links to pages?  If the latter, you
need to test whether the domain is valid (using DNS lookup) and also test
whether a link valid is valid (ie look for 404 messages in response to HTTP
requests).  In other words you will have to write your own HTTP engine :-(

That will still not detect links that point to "parked" domains (take a look
at http://www.airniugini.com as an example of a parked domain)


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