[AccessD] Change SubDatasheetName to [None] in code?

Darren DICK d.dick at uws.edu.au
Mon Nov 22 16:57:24 CST 2004

Create a Button on a form and call the button Command0 - form name is not

Copy everything below the line and paste it into the code behind the form

Make sure you have a DAO reference

Hope this helps


Private Sub Command0_Click()
End Sub 

Function TurnOffSubDataSheets()
  Dim MyDB As DAO.Database
  Dim MyProperty As DAO.Property
  Dim propName As String
  Dim PropType As Integer
  Dim propVal As String
  Dim strS As String
  Set MyDB = CurrentDb
  propName = "SubDataSheetName"
  PropType = 10
  propVal = "[NONE]"
  On Error Resume Next
  For i = 0 To MyDB.TableDefs.Count - 1
      If (MyDB.TableDefs(i).Attributes And dbSystemObject) = 0 Then

          If MyDB.TableDefs(i).Properties(propName).Value <> propVal Then
             MyDB.TableDefs(i).Properties(propName).Value = propVal
             intChangedTables = intChangedTables + 1
          End If
          If Err.Number = 3270 Then
             Set MyProperty = MyDB.TableDefs(i).CreateProperty(propName)
             MyProperty.Type = PropType
             MyProperty.Value = propVal
             MyDB.TableDefs(i).Properties.Append MyProperty
             If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                 MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & " on Table " _
                 & MyDB.TableDefs(i).Name & "."
                 Exit Function
             End If
          End If
      End If
  Next i

MsgBox "The " & propName & _
" value for all non-system tables has been updated to " & propVal & "."


End Function

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