[AccessD] Some more Sat night code help please.

Jeremy Toves itsame2000 at sbcglobal.net
Sat Nov 27 23:47:49 CST 2004

Sorry about the duplicate email.  I didn't realize the first email left my outbox.

Jeremy Toves <itsame2000 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
A space is not null. If Me.cboEmpName.Value = " " Then 

Try this. If IsNull(Me.cboEmpName.Value) Then

Joe Hecht wrote:

Private Sub cmdEmpDetails_Click()

' Comments : Open Employee form mased on cboEmpName

' Parameters: -

' Modified :


' --------------------------------------------------

On Error GoTo Err_cmdEmpDatails_Click

Dim strStDocName As String

Dim strStLinkCriteria As String

Dim lngRetval As Long

Dim frmCurrentForm As Form

There is a combo box with a button to open another form on this form.

The combo box value is null when this form opens. If the user clicks the
button I want to open the message box and say try again.

The message box code is not fireing. 

Would someone see what is not working here?

If Me.cboEmpName.Value = " " Then 'If combobox value is null open
message box

lngRetval = MsgBox( _

"Please pitck an employee from the list or click on the close
buttob", _

vbOKOnly + vbCritical + vbSystemModal + vbDefaultButton1, _

"Please pick Employee")

Select Case lngRetval

Case vbOK

Set frmCurrentForm = Screen.ActiveForm ' Keep selection box form as
active form 

End Select


strStDocName = "Employee"

strStLinkCriteria = "[EmpID]=" & "'" & Me![cboEmpName] & "'"

DoCmd.OpenForm strStDocName, , , strStLinkCriteria

End If


Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_cmdEmpDatails_Click

End Sub



jmhla at earthlink.net

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