David Emerson
davide at dalyn.co.nz
Wed Oct 6 05:02:13 CDT 2004
A97 runtime. I have a similar problem with a WXP computer that is not showing JPG graphics in a report. The computer doesn't seem to have the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Grphflt\MS.JPG file installed. Is it a simple matter of copying the file into the folder, or does some sort of installation need to take place? Regards David Emerson Dalyn Software Ltd 25 Cunliffe St, Churton Park Wellington, New Zealand Ph/Fax (04) 478-7456 Mobile 027-280-9348 At 24/07/2004, you wrote: >I assume you are just storing the path name of the file. >and doing something like >Me.Picture="C:\image\myimage.jpg" > >This gets messy because the defaults are not explained by MS >They assume you have a full office install when running Access. > >There are a series of graphic filters that are installed by various MS >Products. >MS Access ODE installs a lot with a full install but not MS Access >Standard, MS Word also installs a lot of these filters. >These will affect what is displayed in an image or picture control. >Sometimes just changing the file extension from jpeg to jpg will allow >display. Just installing MS Word may allow you access to these filters >or a full install of the ODE >Most are found at least in WinXP in the following directory. >C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Grphflt > > > > In addition to these filters, use depends on OLE servers installed. > >See these urls for more info > > Forms: Displaying photos in a form >http://www.mvps.org/access/forms/frm0044.htm >Lebans using intel library >http://www.lebans.com/loadsavejpeg.htm >Lebans Image transparancy >http://www.lebans.com/image_faq.htm > function to allow for the Display of Jpeg and Gif files on systems that >do not have the Office Graphic Filters installed. > TIF and PNG formats are now supported via the Microsoft GDI+ DLL. The >GDI+ DLL is freely redistributable and available directly from MS here >http://www.lebans.com/loadjpeggif.htm > >JPEG File Interchange Format File >The JPEG graphics filter (Jpegim32.flt) supports version 6.0 of the JPEG >File Interchange Format (JFIF). You must have the JPEG filter installed to >insert a .jpg file into a Word document as a Microsoft Clip Gallery object >or a Photo Editor object. However, to insert a .jpg file directly into a >Word document, you do not need the JPEG filter. The filter supports cyan- >magenta-yellow-black (CMYK) JPEG files. > >The JPEG filter has the following limitation: >The filter does not support JPEG Tagged Interchange Format (JTIF) files. > >On Thu, 22 Jul 2004 09:04:16 -0500, Jantz, Mathias ><MathiasJ at FIRSTPENN.COM> wrote: > > >I have a database that stores pictures (.jpg) in a field of a table. > > > >On my machine, the picture works fine. > > > >On another's machine, it just show the name of the image (imageName.jpg) > >in both the form and the report. > > > >Could there be something that was not installed on that machine? > > > > > >Thanks > >Mathias