[AccessD] Last occurrence within a string

Tom Bolton tom.bolton at donnslaw.co.uk
Tue Oct 26 09:16:56 CDT 2004


InstrRev function - this counts the first occurrence of a string but
'backwards', i.e. starting at the end...

HTH, Cheers

-----Original Message-----
From: ACTEBS [mailto:actebs at actebs.com.au] 
Sent: 26 October 2004 15:08
To: Access Group (E-mail)
Subject: [AccessD] Last occurrence within a string


I am stuffing around with this and am sure I have done this before but for
the life of me can't get it. I need to find the last occurrence of "\"
within a file path string. For example if the path was
C:\MyDocs\Docs\Temps\Hello.doc I want to be able to return the Hello.doc
portion and to do that obviously I need to know what position the last
backslash is.

Any ideas?

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