[AccessD] FW: photo editing

Ron Allen chizotz at mchsi.com
Thu Sep 2 07:50:22 CDT 2004

Hello John and Janice,

Paint Shop Pro, www.jasc.com, is a great image editor that is very
reasonably priced. It does most everything that Photoshop can do at
only a fraction of the cost.

PSP can definitely save .tif files, and you can measure in inches
rather than pixels. I've done both these things in PSP myself.



Monday, August 30, 2004, 9:31:37 AM, you wrote:

JWC> My sister in law is looking for photo editing stuff.  If anyone knows of any
JWC> that fits the description in the message below my sig could you reply
JWC> directly to me off line or directly to Janice.

JWC> Thanks,

JWC> John W. Colby
JWC> www.ColbyConsulting.com 

JWC> -----Original Message-----
JWC> From: JMcK110 at aol.com [mailto:JMcK110 at aol.com] 
JWC> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 9:00 AM
JWC> To: jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
JWC> Subject: photo editing

JWC> John:
JWC> For your type of computer, are you familiar with any non-professional
JWC> software(not Photoshop) that lets you save photos as tiffs and measure
JWC> photos in 
JWC> inches rather than pixels?

JWC> Client is using Microsfot Photo Editor and having lots of trouble with it?

JWC> Don't do any research on this question.  I know you're busy.  I'm just
JWC> looking for off the top of your head answer.
JWC> Janice

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