Eric Goetz
EricGoetz at
Sun Sep 5 13:32:32 CDT 2004
Hi, I am working on a database to replace some paper forms. I get the feeling I'm starting more "from scratch" than I need to. So I thought I'd ask if anyone knows of any examples of solutions for the following problem. A medical device manufacturer needs to track all the actions performed on each device as it moves through manufacturing to meet FDA requirements. The forms are called "travelers." The first traveler gets created when the device is built. A new traveler gets created every time the device returns from the field (for upgrade or repair.) The forms show each part with its revision, part number, lot number, or other attribute. There are different attributes for different types of parts. Such as, software has a checksum, and a revision number while a relay has does not. Instead, a relay has a lot number. Here are a couple of my challenges: I am modeling parts and assemblies, where an assembly is also a part. As the devices come back from the field, they may get upgraded with different parts and assemblies so the hierarchy is flexible. There seems to be a many to many relationship between parts and assemblies. So, I made a basic parts table: Part { ID, PartNumber, Name } where ID is the primary key Sample data: { 1, 26.026, Enclosure } { 57, 26.002, PCA } { 113, 26.100, ECA } { 114, 26.098, Xfrm } { 115, 26.022, Xfrm } { 116, 26.021, Xfrm } And I made another table to hold the many to many assignments between parts and assemblies. AssyPartAssignment { ID, AssyID, PartID, Name } where ID is the primary key and AssyID and PartID are foreign keys for the ID in the Part table. Sample data: { 1, 113, 57, Controller PCA } { 2, 113, 1, ECA Enclosure } { 3, 57, 114, Xfrm T1 } { 4, 57, 115, Xfrm T2 } { 5, 57, 116, Xfrm T3 } { 6, 57, 115, Xfrm T4 } The report needs to show this hierarchy. 26.100 - ECA 26.026 - ECA Enclosure 26.002 - Controller PCA 26.098 - Xfrm T1 26.022 - Xfrm T2 26.021 - Xfrm T3 26.022 - Xfrm T4 The same transformer, 26.022 shows up twice in the PCA assembly. I'll build more tables for the different attributes of parts, such as, software with its checksum, and parts that have only lots, and parts that have revisions and lots. I'll use the ID key from the Part table as the primary key for the subtype tables based on the entity relationship chapter from the CJDate book. I need to make the forms to enter these variable hierarchies. Got any suggestions that might put a little more holiday in my Labor Day? Thanks, Eric