Christopher Hawkins
clh at
Mon Sep 6 19:16:52 CDT 2004
I've done this a thousand time. But right now, I'm full of codeine (broke a toe 30 minutes ago) and cannot think worth squat. Why will this code not work? THe error-causing line is indicated by a ---> [code] Public Sub GetTableInfo(sTableName As String) Dim db As DAO.Database Dim td As DAO.TableDef Dim sSQL As String Dim fld As DAO.Field On Error GoTo Err_GetTableInfo Set db = CurrentDb() Set td = CurrentDb.TableDefs(sTableName) --->For Each fld In td CurrentProject.Connection.Execute "INSERT INTO zTable (TableName, FieldName, Alias, SortOrder) VALUES ('" & sTableName & "', '" & fld.Name & "', '" & fld.Name & "', 0)" Next fld Exit_GetTableInfo: Exit Sub Err_GetTableInfo: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_GetTableInfo End Sub [/code] The marked line causes an "Operation is not supported for this type of object" error. Why? Respectfully, Christopher Hawkins Software Developer (559) 687-7591