O'Connor, Patricia (OTDA)
Patricia.O'Connor at dfa.state.ny.us
Wed Sep 15 12:44:24 CDT 2004
Hi all, This has probably been discussed but I tried the archives and can not find it. Does anyone have, know of, or have suggestions for an Access database that does project management - not ms project don't need something that sophisticated. We want to be able to store all the requests that come into our unit, who requested, status, start date, document links etc. We would want to be able to produce reports in various ways; Assignee, requestor, date completed, referencing data (attachments or hyperlinks). Maybe some sub tasks but nothing fancy. All unit member will have to be able to update, print reports, and view. Not a lot of bells and whistles. Would like to not have to roll our own if possible. Expensive software is not an option. Thanks Patti ****************************************************************** *Patricia O'Connor *Associate Computer Programmer Analyst *OTDA - BDMA *(W) mailto:Patricia.O'Connor at dfa.state.ny.us *(w) mailto:aa1160 at dfa.state.ny.us ******************************************************************