Colby, John
JColby at
Mon Sep 27 13:46:28 CDT 2004
I am doing a rewrite on an app that runs unattended and emails (or FTPs) files out to a client. This app absolutely must run, or at least if it fails it has to NOT pop up a message box and halt the process. The process can send many different files, as well as importing data into the database. I want the piece that fails to error. log the error, email a notification of error, and exit so that the next process can attempt to run. The next process may well run just fine. Many of you are familiar with my error handler insertion wizard that inserts error handlers in any function, sub or property, and can do so for an entire module. I have used it forever and have in general been satisfied with it. Until now. It of course creates a default message box displaying a message box for any unhandled errors. Now I need all errors logged to disk, and the error log mailed to a list of email addresses when errors are encountered. Thinking about this immediately raises a slew of questions. I use a framework that sets up a host of functionality. What happens when the failure is so early in the process that it can't even do logging or send an email? How do I know how early that is? My framework has to be rewritten to log errors and email them as well (where possible), since obviously if my framework errors we don't want that hanging the app. OTOH, some errors can be ignored, others should stop the app. If I have classes in the framework used by the app (and obviously I do) how do I get errors in the framework code to log in the app error log? IOW, the framework has a wrapper class to copy files, create directories etc. If that code fails, it can log an error, but it will log to the framework log, not the app log. In a similar vein, does every function return an error code so that anything that can go wrong is checked and logged? If it returns an error code, what if it needs to return a string, i.e. how do you return an error and a value at the same time (I know, pass a parameter - that was just to highlight the issue)? My objective here is not to write a "can't possible crash" thing, but rather to intelligently determine what can be logged and emailed and what is so severe that.. well... it just pops up a message box and someone has to come look for the problem. Those kinds of things should rarely if EVER happen at the application level though. Just because a link for an excel file is bad doesn't mean the next report process will fail, only that THIS report process can't continue. The program I am replacing had the old "pop up an error message" for unhandled errors and it just seems that over time you continually run into new things that couldn't be (or weren't) anticipated. Every month at least the files don't go because the program is sitting with a message box up. Aside from the obvious "Access is not the optimum environment to write such an app", has anyone done stuff like this (in Access) and do you have any thoughts on the issues above or any others I haven't raised? Thinking about this concept gives a whole new appreciation for major apps such as Windows and Access where they should always do something intelligent even in the face of problems not even existing at the time the program was written. Just a few things to get you thinking. John W. Colby The DIS Database Guy