[AccessD] Fw: Tab limits for tab controls

Susan Harkins ssharkins at bellsouth.net
Fri Sep 10 18:42:35 CDT 2004

Well, no... it's just an introductory look at the control itself -- the
basics. :) I told them not to use too many tabs and to not stuff each page
full, but other than that, it's all tutorial/technical stuff -- not best
practices per se. And publishers generally don't like to direct their
readers to the competition. :) But, it's a good piece, although I have to
admit -- I never thought I had to click OK just because the Ok button was on
the page.

Susan H.
> I hope you are also covering the material in, or pointing the gentle
> to the Interface Hall of Shame section on tab controls:
> http://digilander.libero.it/chiediloapippo/Engineering/iarchitect/tabs.htm

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