rfv at entelix.com
rfv at entelix.com
Tue Sep 14 19:17:19 CDT 2004
Hi, I am not sure if it is correct to post this kind of message on this forum. If it is not, please I apologize. We just uploaded our first beta demo to <http://www.dbxtra.com/> www.dbxtra.com. DBxtra - enterprise reporting system - is a innovative and comprehensive data-explorer and reporting tool for information delivery, analysis and decision making. It connects to multiple databases across enterprises, and allows exploring your data in unlimited ways in order to take the right business decisions. It does the following 1. Connect to your data (MS Access, SQL Server, Excel, Paradox, DBF and Tetx files) 2. Explore your data 3. Design and deploy your reports 4. Export your data 5. Send your data by E-mail 6. Schedule reports and alerts You can download a demo and test it. After you tested it and if you write us your comments, we will give you a license for free. I am also open minded to receive any critics about the web site. Thanks to all of you. Rudolf F. Vanek www.dbxtra.com <http://www.dbxtra.com/>