[AccessD] Urgent help please - Can't open html pageinFrontpagefromAccess form

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Wed Sep 15 02:05:37 CDT 2004

On 15 Sep 2004 at 15:03, Kath Pelletti wrote:

> It is essential that it happen from the database because I am storing a
> history of documents (just path/s and filename/s) they create and they
> have complex selection criteria for nominating which clients eventually
> *see* the doc on the website. Given that it is so easy to create / and
> link to a doc in Word or Excel from an Access form I thought it would be
> pretty straightforward to do something like this in Frontpage. I'm still
> sure that it is.....just not there yet. 

Since Frontpage is not the default application for .htm pages, the simplest 
way is to use SHELL(). Something like

Function OpenWithFrontPage(HTMLFile As String) As Long
Dim strCmd As String
Dim strFrontPagePath As String
strFrontPagePath = "C:\Program files\Frontpage\Frontpage.exe"

strCmd = Chr$(34) & strFrontPagePath & Chr$(34) & " " & Chr$(34) & HTMLFile & Chr$(34)
Shell strCmd, vbNormalFocus

End Function

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