[AccessD] Re: Trouble with SQL statemnent on two different machines

connie.kamrowski at agric.nsw.gov.au connie.kamrowski at agric.nsw.gov.au
Sun Apr 10 20:07:14 CDT 2005

I now know exactly where this is failing.. on the
Max(Right[AuthorityNumber],5) As Number

Is tehre an Issue with these functions when using an XP machine? I have
copied the libraries and made sure all teh references match but it still
fails when processing the SQL Statement.

Connie Kamrowski

Information Technology
NSW Department of Primary Industries

Hi All,

I am havinbg an issue with a function and could use some fresh eyes and
knowledge. Both machines are running Access97 SR2. On my machine the
function works fine, on the users machine it falls over. We are accessing
the database from a central location.

Function as follows:

Private Function getstrNextAuthorityNumber() As String
'Automatically select the next availaible Authority Number for this type of
On Error GoTo Failure

Dim dbNextAuthority As Database
Dim rsNextAuthority As Recordset

Dim intNextAuthorityNumber As Integer

Dim strSelect As String

strSelect = "SELECT tblCAuthorityType.AuthorityPrefix,
Max(Right([AuthorityNumber],5)) AS [Number] " & _
                        "FROM tblCAuthorityType RIGHT JOIN tblDAuthority ON
tblCAuthorityType.AuthorityTypeID = tblDAuthority.AuthorityType " & _
                        "GROUP BY tblCAuthorityType.AuthorityPrefix " & _

On Error Resume Next

    Set dbNextAuthority = CurrentDb()
    Set rsNextAuthority = dbNextAuthority.OpenRecordset(strSelect,
dbOpenSnapshot, dbFailOnError)

        If rsNextAuthority.RecordCount < 1 Then 'No records - this will not
actually be used.
            intNextAuthorityNumber = 1 'Initial Authority Number for each
            intNextAuthorityNumber = rsNextAuthority!Number + 1 'Increment
last Authority Number by 1
        End If 'rsNextAuthorityNumber.RecordCount = 0

        getstrNextAuthorityNumber = getgstrAuthorityPrefix() & Right("0000"
& Trim(Str(intNextAuthorityNumber)), 5)

        On Error Resume Next
            Set rsNextAuthority = Nothing
            Set dbNextAuthority = Nothing
        Exit Function

        Call ErrorHandler(lngErrorNumber:=Err.Number,
strErrorDescription:=Err.Description, strErrorSource:=Err.Source)
        Resume ExitRoutine

End Function

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