Erwin Craps - IT Helps
Erwin.Craps at
Wed Apr 13 08:31:35 CDT 2005
When using a crosstab query the colomnheaders get the name of a specific data in a field. When there is no data for a specific column the column is not displayd. IF you know that the number of columnrecords is fixed, like days for example 1 to 31, you can add 1...31 in the column text of the columnheader property. As a result there are always 1 tot 31 headers (fields) even if no data is present. But Now I'm in the situation that I have activity codes in the columns, which are in a sub table. How can I still do this trick but based on data in a table? Can I do some kind of SQL insert into this columnname property? I know theres a limitation of 255 fields in an crosstab query, but this is not an issue.. Erwin Craps Zaakvoerder This E-mail is confidential, may be legally privileged, and is for the intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and E-mail confirmation to the sender. IT Helps - I.T. Help Center *** Box Office Belgium & Luxembourg <> * <> * <> IT Helps bvba* ** Mercatorpad 3 ** 3000 Leuven IT Helps * Phone: +32 16 296 404 * Fax: +32 16 296 405 E-mail: Info at Box Office ** Fax: +32 16 296 406 ** Box Office E-mail: Staff at <mailto:figures at>