Charlotte Foust
cfoust at
Thu Apr 7 11:45:35 CDT 2005
> I would love to trap the KeyDown event on the form and discard the left, right up, down and pageup and pagedown keycodes! How? Here's a sample KeyDown routine. Maybe it will give you the idea. Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) ' code disables use of arrows and PgUp and PgDown On Error Resume Next Select Case KeyCode Case vbKeyLeft, vbKeyRight, vbKeyUp, vbKeyDown, _ vbKeyPageUp, vbKeyPageDown KeyCode = 0 End Select End Sub Charlotte Foust -----Original Message----- From: Chris Enright [mailto:cclenright at] Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 4:48 PM To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving Subject: RE: [AccessD] Access 2k: Ghosts Susan, Apologies for what appears to be a late reply but when I send my emails, you are asleep, I presume , and when you send yours I'm in the land of nod. When I was told about the problem I checked my master program and horror, it was true. Just a little more background info. If the client says they have used the facility before the program goes to frmCustomers and asks them to enter either their Membership Number or their Name. When they enter one or the other the form brings up all their details. They press <Continue> and the popup/modal form frmEnterPIN is displayed. The form has a textbox "Please enter your PIN", a box for them to enter it and a <Continue> button. Nothing else! The Record Source is qryCustomers and the Filter is on Membership Number. However, if you press the Right Arrow, a sunken box appears on the left showing their Membership Number. No problem! However, press the Left Arrow and a ditto box appears on the right showing the PIN Number in clear even though it is stored in the BE as password/asterisks. Continuous pressing of either arrow just tabs between the blank box, the Membership Number and the PIN. No other field from the record is shown. Charlotte, I would love to trap the KeyDown event on the form and discard the left, right up, down and pageup and pagedown keycodes! How? Chris --------------------------------- Yahoo! Messenger Show us what our next emoticon should look like. Join the fun. -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: