[AccessD] Word closes before it shows the user the document

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Sat Apr 9 12:33:55 CDT 2005

Just maybe this is it, part way through your code you suddenly

    Set objWord = Nothing 

                objWord.Activate    ' Activates Word
                objWord.Visible = True    ' Show Word to the user.
                objWord.WindowState = wdWindowStateMaximize
                Set objWord = Nothing    ' Release the object variable.

connie.kamrowski at agric.nsw.gov.au wrote:

>Hi all,
>Now trying to fix a 2nd database which is not working, written in Access97.
>Problem is there is a Form letter function (code below) when I call this
>function it opens word but no document appears in the window. The popup to
>ask if it printed OK appears but the document is not visible to the user
>and no printing occurs. If I comment out the line
>'.Documents(strMainDocument).Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges I get a
>program monitor error but the document is visible.
>Any ideas?
>Connie Kamrowski
>Information Technology
>NSW Department of Primary Industries
>Public Sub Export_Word()
>Dim rsA0001 As Recordset
>Dim objWord As Word.Application
>Dim strMainDocument As String
>Dim dbExportWord As Database
>Dim rsExportWord As Recordset
>Dim booPrintBackground As Boolean
>gfLetterPrintedOK = False 'Value will be set to true if the user verifies
>that the letter printed
>' Resume to the next line following the error.
>On Error Resume Next
>' Attempt to reference Word which is already running.
>Set objWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
>If Err = 429 Then
>    Set objWord = New Word.Application
>    Err = 0
>End If
>' If true, Word is not running.
>If objWord Is Nothing Then
>        ' Create a new instance of the Word application.
>        Set objWord = New Word.Application
>        ' If true, MS Word is not installed.
>        If objWord Is Nothing Then
>                MsgBox "MS Word is not installed on your computer"
>                GoTo ExitRoutine
>        End If 'objWord Is Nothing
>End If 'objWord Is Nothing
>'Check to Ensure the temporary RTF file has been deleted, if not, Delete it
>    gstrWordDirectory = Dir$(strTempRTFFile, vbNormal)
>        If gstrWordDirectory <> "" Then
>                On Error GoTo Failure 'Displays 'File Access Error (#71) if
>a form letter is already open
>                    Kill strTempRTFFile
>                On Error Resume Next
>        End If 'gstrWordDirectory <> ""
>    If gstrAccessWordQuery = "" Then
>                    'Print Blank Form
>                        objWord.Documents.Add (gstrTemplate)
>                Else
>                    DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, gstrAccessWordQuery, _
>                        acFormatRTF, strTempRTFFile, False
>                    objWord.Documents.Add (gstrTemplate) 'Template document
>                    strMainDocument = objWord.ActiveDocument.Name 'Sets the
>name of the 'Main Document' (template document)
>                    'so that it can be closed later
>                    With objWord.ActiveDocument.MailMerge
>                        .SuppressBlankLines = True
>                        .ViewMailMergeFieldCodes = False
>                        .Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
>                        .Execute
>                    End With
>                    With objWord 'Close Main Document
>                        .Documents(strMainDocument).Activate
>                        .Documents(strMainDocument).Close
>                           ' Store background printing option.
>                     End With
>                objWord.Activate    ' Activates Word
>                objWord.Visible = True    ' Show Word to the user.
>                objWord.WindowState = wdWindowStateMaximize
>                Set objWord = Nothing    ' Release the object variable.
>            On Error GoTo Failure
>                If MsgBox("Did your letter print correctly?", vbYesNo,
>"Form Letters") = vbYes Then
>                        gfLetterPrintedOK = True
>                        Set dbExportWord = CurrentDb()
>                        Set rsExportWord =
>dbExportWord.OpenRecordset("tblLettersSent", dbOpenDynaset, dbFailOnError)
>                        With rsExportWord
>                            .AddNew
>                                !LTRLPBNumber = gstrRLPBNumber
>                                !LTPropertyID = glngMainPropertyID
>                                !LTFormLetterID = gstrFormLetterID
>                                !LTComment = gstrFormLetterComment
>                                !LTDatePrinted = Date
>                                !LTTimePrinted = Time
>                            .Update
>                        End With
>                        Select Case getgstrFormLetterID()
>                            Case "A0001"
>                                dbExportWord.Execute "A000104",
>                        End Select
>                End If 'MsgBox("Did your letter print correctly?"...
>      End If 'gstrAccessWordQuery = ""
>    On Error Resume Next
>        rsExportWord.Close
>        Set rsExportWord = Nothing
>        dbExportWord.Close
>        Set dbExportWord = Nothing
>        rsA0001.Close
>        Set rsA0001 = Nothing
>        Set objWord = Nothing    ' Release the object variable.
>    Exit Sub
>        Call ErrorHandler(strProcedureName:="Export_Word",
>lngErrorNumber:=Err.Number, _
>            strErrorDescription:=Err.Description, _
>            strErrorSource:=Err.Source)
>        Resume ExitRoutine
> End Sub
>This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain
>confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient or received
>it in error, please delete the message and notify sender. Views expressed
>are those of the individual sender and are not necessarily the views of
>their organisation.

Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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