[AccessD] add numbers

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Tue Apr 12 07:03:13 CDT 2005

On 12 Apr 2005 at 7:43, Bobby Heid wrote:

> But if any of the numbers is greater than 9, this will not work properly.
> It does look like it works ok for numbers less than 10.
It doesn't work. I should have put
    lngStore = lngStore + Val(Mid$(InputString,lngLoopcount,1))
instead of 
 lngStore = Val(Mid$(InputString,lngLoopcount,1))

That said, this one does work with multi digit numbers: 

Function Addnumbers(InputString As String) As Long
   Dim lngStore As Long
   Dim lngLoopcount As Long
   lngLoopcount = 0
         lngLoopcount = lngLoopcount + 1
         lngStore = lngStore + Val(Mid$(InputString, lngLoopcount))
         'move past current number
         While IsNumeric(Mid$(InputString, lngLoopcount, 1))
             lngLoopcount = lngLoopcount + 1
   Loop Until lngLoopcount >= Len(InputString)
   Addnumbers = lngStore
End Function


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