Stuart McLachlan
stuart at
Tue Apr 12 16:58:23 CDT 2005
On 12 Apr 2005 at 22:51, Pedro Janssen wrote: > Hello Stuart, > > thanks for your help. The function works perfect.But i forgot to tell that > in the field [Para], also "normal" values are present like from 1 to 9. When > using the function i get an error.on the: While InStr..... I tried to adjust > the code, with no result. > Me bad, I didn't check for the end of the string in the While Loop. Try this one instead (watch for line wrap) Function Addnumbers(InputString As String) As Double Dim lngStore As Double Dim lngLoopcount As Double lngLoopcount = 0 Do lngLoopcount = lngLoopcount + 1 lngStore = lngStore + Val(Mid$(InputString, lngLoopcount)) 'move past current number While InStr("0123456789+-", Mid$(InputString, lngLoopcount, 1)) > 0 And lngLoopcount <= Len(InputString) lngLoopcount = lngLoopcount + 1 Wend Loop Until lngLoopcount >= Len(InputString) Addnumbers = lngStore End Function-- Stuart