Shamil Salakhetdinov
shamil at
Thu Aug 18 15:07:28 CDT 2005 Quote from "Microsoft Object Thinking" by David West: <<< Ward Cunningham and Kent Beck Ward Cunningham is an almost mythical figure in the world of objects and extreme programming. Excepting a few papers, usually coauthored by Kent Beck, he has published little. His influence, however, has been monumental. He is considered to be the inspiration for most of the extreme programming practices, is a legendary coder and designer, and is a great mentor. Mathematicians use an "Erdos Number" as an indicator of their association with Paul Erdos, one of the most prolific and brilliant mathematicians of the past century. Erdos himself had the number 0, those who coauthored a paper with him had the number 1, coauthoring with a coauthor yielded 2, and so on. Extreme programmers are given a "Ward Number" based on pair programming with him (1), pair programming with someone who paired with him (2), and so forth. Kent Beck is to Cunningham as Plato was to Socrates-the extender of ideas, contributor in his own right, and, in an interesting parallel, the one who published. The preeminent figure in the world of extreme programming today, Beck was equally active in object programming. Although he did not publish a book on behavioral object modeling, he did publish works on programming style and idiom (for Smalltalk). Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham were a team when objects first became a hot technology, collaborating both as developers and as creative thinkers about object technology. Both will become quite familiar to the reader, as their ideas are central to many of the themes in this book. >>> Shamil