DWUTKA at marlow.com
DWUTKA at marlow.com
Tue Dec 27 01:14:00 CST 2005
Just an update folks, did a quick fix for William, and updated the demo at http://www.marlow.com/HiddenAccess2k.zip <http://www.marlow.com/HiddenAccess2k.zip> The demo has the following 'examples' written into it: Hiding the main Access window, so that Access forms are on the desktop. Minimize all forms and have a bar in the status bar, to show your running access app. Click on the bar in the status bar, and your hidden forms re-emerge on the desktop. Shaping forms, with odd shapes. (Form Two in the demo is shaped as a company logo that William sent me). I just updated the link tonight, because what was there over the weekend, had the forms showing up in the middle of what would be three screen resolutions, so on a regular screen, those forms wouldn't be there, (they would be off screen). That's fixed now. Hope ya'all find the demo useful.... Drew