[AccessD] OT: Need an example

Susan Harkins harkinsss at bellsouth.net
Thu Dec 1 14:03:36 CST 2005

Um... You want to explain that? :) Just a brief explanation? Not familiar
with any of the below. 

Susan H. 

How about the good old ShowProgressDialog when converting pictures?

Main code below.


Public Sub ShowJpegProgressDialog()

' Retrieves or resets registry setting of JPEG value for ShowProgressDialog.

' The initial call will retrieve the value from the registry.
' Subsequent calls will write the value back.

' Usage:
'   At opening of application (main form):
'     Call ShowJpegProgressDialog
'   Do stuff like changing the setting to False:
'     Call ShowJpegProgressDialog_Set(False)
'   At closing of application (main form):
'     Call ShowJpegProgressDialog

' 2002-01-12. Cactus Data ApS, CPH
' 2004-08-02. Adjusted with check for WinXP.

  Static booRegValue  As Boolean
  Static booRetrieved As Boolean
  If booRetrieved = False Then
    ' Retrieve value.
    Call ShowJpegProgressDialog_Get(booRegValue)
    booRetrieved = True
    ' Rewrite previously retrieved value.
    Call ShowJpegProgressDialog_Set(booRegValue)
  End If

End Sub

Public Function GetShowJpegProgressDialogStatus() As Boolean

' Demo.
  Call ShowJpegProgressDialog_Get(GetShowJpegProgressDialogStatus)
End Function

Public Sub ShowJpegProgressDialog_Get(ByRef booShow As Boolean)

  Dim hKeyVar   As Long
  Dim PathVar   As String
  Dim ValueVar  As String
  Dim DataVar   As String
  If IsWinXP = True Then
  End If
  PathVar = "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics
  ValueVar = "ShowProgressDialog"
  Call ReadRegistry(hKeyVar, PathVar, ValueVar, DataVar)
  booShow = (StrComp(DataVar, "Yes", vbTextCompare) = 0)

End Sub

Public Sub ShowJpegProgressDialog_Set(ByVal booShow As Boolean)

  Dim hKeyVar   As Long
  Dim PathVar   As String
  Dim ValueVar  As String
  Dim DataVar   As String
  If IsWinXP = True Then
  End If
  PathVar = "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics
  ValueVar = "ShowProgressDialog"
  DataVar = IIf(booShow = True, "Yes", "No")
  Call WriteRegistry(hKeyVar, PathVar, ValueVar, DataVar)

End Sub

>>> harkinsss at bellsouth.net 01-12-2005 18:30 >>>
I'm writing about maintaining settings using the Registry -- I know how to
do it, but would like suggestions on an example that would allow the reader
to experience the process without endangering anything. Needs to be an
Access setting. 

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