[AccessD] Concatenating data into lists

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Wed Dec 7 05:11:10 CST 2005

Hi David

Sounds like you need to add a reference to DAO and change these lines:

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset


>>> dajomigo at tpg.com.au 07-12-2005 12:05:08 >>>
I have been trying to learn how to use Dev Ashish's wonderful module to 
turn data from a child table into a comma delimitered list. It works 
perfectly every time I use Northwind to test it and even works if I import 
tables and queries into Northwind from another database. But I can't get it 
to work in any other database. One line in the code has me thinking (Set db 
as Database - I am using Access XP and it doesn't recognise this code. But 
I just comment it out and Northwind is happy.

I don't get any error messages, it just doesn't put anything into the query 
field. Anyone who wants to see an example of what I have been working on, I 
can send a copy of the test database (only about 20kb zipped)


David Gould
DG Solutions

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