[AccessD] A2K: Oh, BROTHER! Have I screwed up or not?

Steve Erbach erbachs at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 10:49:51 CST 2005


Well, it was a document deletion, a Module, not a block of text.
Actually, it was the first thing I checked to see if I could UNDO the
Module deletion. However, as with deleting a form or report, once it's
gone it's gone.

I've checked the MSysObjects table and it's gone from there, too. So,
I think I'll just go to my backup, which, at least, is from 3:30
yesterday afternoon, so it's less than a day's worth of work.
Ai-yi-yi! I've never done that before. But what boggles me is how the
heck did it happen? I was only trying to delete a small block of text!

Steve Erbach

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 10:31:59 -0600, Gary Kjos <garykjos at gmail.com> wrote:
> Edit/Undo Typing is not allowed?

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