martyconnelly at
Mon Feb 7 19:40:23 CST 2005
One method Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Command0_Click ' create a form with an unbound control frame select Excel ' set control properties locked=no and enabled=yes 'OLE Object Properties Example excel chart ' put unbound object on form ,set to excel chart and add command button 'The following example creates a linked OLE object using 'an unbound object frame named OLE1 and 'sizes the control to display the object's entire contents 'when the user clicks a command button. 'set unbound control locked properties to no and enabled yes, It will squawk and complain if you dont OLE1.Class = "Excel.Sheet" ' Set class name. OLE1.OLETypeAllowed = acOLELinked ' Specify type of object. OLE1.SourceDoc = "C:\Excel\Copy of Blood sugar chart1.xls" ' or "C:\My Documents\mensuelle.xls" ' Specify source file. OLE1.SourceItem = "R1C1:R5C5" ' Specify data to create link to. OLE1.Action = acOLECreateLink ' Create linked object. OLE1.SizeMode = acOLESizeZoom ' Adjust control size. Exit_Command0_Click: Exit Sub Err_Command0_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_Command0_Click End Sub or other methods ' ' Number of points in each Series Const cNumCols = 10 'Number of Series Const cNumRows = 2 Sub testexcelchart() Dim objXL As Object Dim objBook As Object Dim objSheet As Object Dim objChart As Object Dim iRow As Integer Dim iCol As Integer Dim itest As Long 'Declare the required size of the dynamic array Dim aTemp(cNumRows, cNumCols) 'Start Excel and create a new workbook Set objXL = CreateObject("Excel.application") Set objBook = objXL.Workbooks.Add 'Set a reference to Sheet1 Set objSheet = objBook.Worksheets.Item(1) ' Insert Random data into Cells for the two Series: Randomize (Now()) For iRow = 1 To cNumRows For iCol = 1 To cNumCols aTemp(iRow, iCol) = Int(Rnd * 50) + 1 Next iCol Next iRow objSheet.Range("A1").Resize(cNumRows, cNumCols).Value = aTemp ' Add a chart object to the first worksheet Set objChart = objSheet.ChartObjects.Add(50, 40, 300, 200).Chart itest = objChart.SetSourceData(Source:=objSheet.Range("A1").Resize(cNumRows, cNumCols)) ' Make Excel Visible: objXL.Visible = True objXL.UserControl = True 'set objects to nothing and use quit app command End Sub or something like Sub MyTest() Dim tmpArray(3, 3) As Variant tmpArray(1, 1) = #1/1/2001# tmpArray(2, 1) = #1/2/2001# tmpArray(3, 1) = #1/3/2001# tmpArray(1, 2) = 10 tmpArray(2, 2) = 20 tmpArray(3, 2) = 40 tmpArray(1, 3) = 10 tmpArray(2, 3) = 20 tmpArray(3, 3) = 40 MakeChart (tmpArray) End Sub 'Then call Excel to make a chart and stick in a xls file Sub MakeChart(tmpArray As Variant) Dim objExcel As Excel.Application Dim objChart As Excel.Chart Dim intRows As Integer Dim intRow As Integer Dim strRange As String Dim strPrefix As String Set objExcel = New Excel.Application ' Excel is run but hidden objExcel.Visible = True 'display it objExcel.Workbooks.Add objExcel.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Mois" 'Title row in the xls Data sheet objExcel.Cells(1, 2).Value = "Lits" objExcel.Cells(1, 3).Value = "EL" intRows = UBound(tmpArray, 1) ' This loop writes the data from the array to the Excel sheet For intRow = 1 To intRows objExcel.Cells(intRow + 1, 1).Value = tmpArray(intRow, 1) objExcel.Cells(intRow + 1, 2).Value = tmpArray(intRow, 2) objExcel.Cells(intRow + 1, 3).Value = tmpArray(intRow, 3) Next intRow ' This is to select the data area to draw the graph ' A graph is always made from the selected area strRange = "A2:" & Chr$(Asc("A") + UBound(tmpArray, 2) - 1) & _ UBound(tmpArray, 1) + 1 objExcel.Range(strRange).Select objExcel.Range(Mid(strRange, 4)).Activate objExcel.Application.Charts.Add Set objChart = objExcel.ActiveChart ' Here is some formatting for the chart With objChart .ChartType = xl3DColumn .HasTitle = True .ChartTitle.Text = strPrefix & " - Occupation mensuelle moyenne " .Axes(xlCategory).HasTitle = True .Axes(xlCategory).AxisTitle.Caption = "Mois" .Axes(xlValue).HasTitle = True .Axes(xlValue).AxisTitle.Caption = "Résidents" .HasLegend = False End With ' Save your Excel work. ' If the file already exists, Excel will prompt you with a message ' asking you if you want to overwrite it. ' I haven't found out how to avoid this prompt yet objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Close True, "mensuelle.xls" ' Free up your memory now that you're done Set objChart = Nothing Set objExcel = Nothing End Sub Dale Kalsow wrote: >It is a chart in excel that I want to display. So it would be nice if I could just open the excel page in access. Just reading the data will not work. > >Any other good ideas? > >Thanks! > >Dale > >MartyConnelly <martyconnelly at> wrote: >You could use this type of recordset for your report > >Dim oConn As New ADODB.Connection >Dim oRS As New ADODB.Recordset >oConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ >"Data Source=C:\Book1.xls;" & _ >"Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;""" > >' Use a range with a specific address (for example, [Sheet1$A1:B10]). >' Use the sheet name followed by a dollar sign (for example, [Sheet1$] >or [My Worksheet$]). >oRS.Open "Select * from [Sheet1$A1:B10]", oConn, adOpenStatic > > >oConn.Close > > >Dale Kalsow wrote: > > > >>Good Afternoon, >> >>I have an excel document that I need to take tabs or a range of cells from and include them in an access report. I am using office 2003. >> >>Does any one know how to do this? >> >>Thanks! >> >>Dale >> >>__________________________________________________ >>Do You Yahoo!? >>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around >> >> >> >> >> > > > -- Marty Connelly Victoria, B.C. Canada